"An amazing experience on a beautiful ship with a great team. I learned way more than I would ever have expected. I definitely recommend this journey for people who want to join us next year. In my opinion, this project is really an added value for the Antwerp Maritime Academy. The students can practise their theoretical knowledge in real life!"

- Anthony

"Two weeks full of adventure and experience that I will not easily forget! One of the most remarkable aspects of this trip was the opportunity to be part of a small and pleasant crew. Living and working closely with colleagues, each of us responsible for specific tasks, created a sense of involvement. From preparing the meals to hoisting sails and navigating the ship, every task was a valuable lesson in teamwork, dedication, communication and knowledge. During the voyage you can feel the freedom and responsibility. Sailing taught me to respect the power of nature. I can only conclude that this project adds value to our study!"

- Wout

Read what our former members have to say

"Fourteen days of sailing onboard T/S Saeftinghe, together with 10 other students, an extra crewmember Paul and captain Mike, an unforgettable experience was guaranteed.

Sailing a ship is so beautiful… We learned how to work with the wind and our sails to get the ship moving. Next to the sailing aspect, we visually enjoyed mother nature in its purest version: northern light in the middle of your night watch; whales, dolphins, seals, and beautiful birds while we were practising our look out skills. Working as a group, getting to know each other on another level than at school or at a bar, this is in my point of view an added value of SFS. Being at sea with your friends and having nothing else to worry about other than getting safely to your destination and cooking some good food, the definition of GOOD LIFE."

- Margaux

"This trip was a perfect combination of sailing, friendship and adventure. Regardless of your sailing experience, on board they teach you everything from steering to luffing. It is ideal to learn how to sail as a beginner and to put your nautical school knowledge into practical use. Furthermore, you will also have a great time on board by cooking together with friends or friends-to-be, taking shore excursions or just chilling together. I loved the amazing sea life and being actively involved in the whole project. I would do this journey again in a heartbeat!"

- Arwen

"Before embarking on this odyssey I had already sailed a few times and really grew to like it. I have sailed smaller sailing boats, and the Dar Mlodziezy, which is a 100m behemoth of a wind powered vessel. I expected the Saeftinghe to be hard to steer but it was surprisingly ergonomic. With basic understanding of wind and sails this ship was a pure pleasure to navigate with. It has been a great trip, with many unexpected destinations because we mainly followed the wind. It has been a welcome change from the A-to-B lifestyle we learn at school."

- Eliot

"The journey of SFS has been a rollercoaster. We embarked on this voyage not knowing what to expect. We emerged successful at the end, for this was mostly in the departement of people management, how do we keep. For me this has been a journey of personal growth.

Next year again !"

- Tom

"Before I stepped onboard, I didn’t really know what I should expect. I didn’t have any kind of sailing experience with a sailing boat like the Saefthinge. But from the moment I stepped off the dock onto the boat I knew it would be a great 14 days that I am not going to forget easily.

We learned a lot, about how the sails work, how to steer the boat while under sail, voyage planning etc. due to the small groups you are in during the watch, you keep repeating everything you learn and after a while it becomes natural.

For me, the thing I liked the most about the voyage is that everyone got a chance to challenge themselves. From changing the sails to different positions when the wind changes to navigate in the busy TSS. My biggest challenge was to enter the port of Zeebrugge during the night with a lot of in and outgoing traffic.

Overall, I really recommend this journey for everyone who loves to be on the sea. Hope to see you next year!"

- Jels

"Setting sail on a sailing boat was an unforgettable experience, simple yet extraordinary. Life on board was governed by the soothing rhythm of the waves and the breath of the wind. Every day, sunrise and sunset took on a new dimension, lighting up the sky in different, dazzling hues.

This experience at sea changed my perspective on the world. It reminded me of simplicity and the essential.

This trip was a boost to my desire and conviction to become a sailor. I realise that staying behind a desk is a bad idea, my only desire is to sail, to sail everywhere, wherever the wind takes me."

- Odin